and Rav Kachlon

Help us feed over 10,000 Jews in Eretz Yisroel

Plus Have The Merit Of Contributing To A Double SIYUM SHAS Event

$312470.12 Has been donated so far to help poor families

Progress Bar

476 donations have

been made, but we need more help!

Hear from over 20 people who experienced

Real Miracles from their donations

During These Times, We Need Your Help

Your Donation Will Have The Merit Of:

1.Feeding over 10,000 Poor Jews In Eretz Yisroel

2. The ability to join in a double SIYUM SHAS In A Single Day

3.Become A Partner with BeEzrat HaShem Inc.


LARGER DONATIONS GAIN A BONUS OFFER: PERSONALIZED Miracle Prayers & Blessing Video, and Placement in New Book Published This Year

A donation of any amount : Gains You The Merit of Feeding The Poor

A TRUE BLESSING Reward of Tzedaka and KIRUV

$1800.00 Donation

Gives you the merits of feeding poor families in Eretz Yisroel & taking part in a Siyum Ha'Shas

$8600.00 Donation

Gives you the merits of feeding poor families in Eretz Yisroel & taking part in a Siyum Ha'Shas & Receive Prayers and a PERSONALIZED MIRACLE Blessing Video by Rav Yaron Reuven & Rav Efraim Kachlon

$17,000 Donation

Gives you a Personalized Blessing inside our next book we publish, Prayers and a PERSONALIZED MIR


$17,000 Donation

ACLE Blessing Video by Rav Yaron Reuven & Rav Efraim Kachlon, and Merits of Feeding Poor

& a Siyum Ha' Shas

Join Us in Creating Miracles This Year

While we can't guarantee specific outcomes, we've seen time and again how HaShem responds to the prayers and blessings made on behalf of our supporters. Your donation isn't just charity – it's an investment in the spiritual realm, with potential returns beyond imagination.

This is your moment to step into a year of unprecedented blessings. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of our next miracle story. Your generosity today could open the gates of Heaven for you and your loved ones.

Through your generosity, we have:

-Delivered nearly 14,000 Torah classes

-Fed hundreds of thousands of needy Jews, including widows and orphans

-Distributed close to 250,000 books and 2 million educational materials

-Established multiple Kollels for advanced Torah study

Your partnership has enabled countless acts of chesed (kindness) and the spread of Torah knowledge. Donate now and watch as HaShem's blessings unfold in your life. Together, let's make this the year where your deepest prayers are answered!

May HaShem bless you and inscribe you in the Book of Life, Health, and Prosperity!

BeEzrat HaShem we will succeed

Being Our Partner Is Your Choice!


As Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur approach, we come to you with hearts full of gratitude and excitement. For over a decade, your partnership has enabled us to spread Torah wisdom, feed the hungry, and support countless Jewish souls. Now, we invite you to be part of something truly extraordinary.

Miracles Happen Here!

We've witnessed the power of your generosity firsthand. Over 20 of our devoted donors have shared awe-inspiring testimonials of the blessings they've received:

- Cures from serious illnesses

- Children born after years of waiting

- Financial breakthroughs in impossible situations

- Finding their true zivug (soulmate)

- Unprecedented success in Torah learning

Your Opportunity for Blessing

This Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as HaShem reviews the Book of Life, let your acts of chesed speak volumes.

By donating generously, you:

1. Help feed 10,000 poor Jews during the holidays

2. Support 1,000 Avrechim learning the entire Shas in a single day

3. Receive a personalized blessing in our upcoming sefer (book)

These aren't just stories – they're real experiences from people just like you who chose to partner with us in our holy work.

Remember, the prophet Jeremiah 15:19 teaches us that those who support the return to Torah (i.e. KIRUV) receive special favors from HaShem Himself!

Our goal is to provide Da’at Torah in all areas of life. At times this can include subjects that have become taboo in the modern Jewish world. While many Jews wonder about it, few discuss openly and with biblical honesty. This commitment to the Emet may seem like fearlessness or lack of sensitivity, but it’s quite the contrary. Because we fear the Almighty and love His children, we have the moral and Biblical obligation to uncover the truth that no one wants to tell them.